For execution, we can use FSMOne as an example which many of us are using else well. You may click on the notification email which will lead you to the election instructions.
If you wish to receive 100% of the dividends in cash, there is nothing that you need to do. (In fact you do not even have to bother to click on the email.)
To receive 100% of the dividends in scrips, click on Option 2 and choose “All as per holdings as of record date”.
And lastly to opt for partial election without odd lots, click on Option 2 and choose “Partial holdings as of record date” and key in the number of units that you want to be paid as scrips.
However, some brokers require you to enter percentages rather than the exact number of units. Due to rounding, the final number of units may vary based on the decimal places used. Investors are advised to verify these details with their brokers in such cases. Additionally, be sure to complete this verification before the response deadline set by the brokers.
Happy investing!