Oil prices have reached the highest level since the start of the year, adding pressure to inflation. Brent crude oil, a global price benchmark, has topped the $90 mark which was a level last reached in November 2022. How would this impact the S&P 500 and investors?
Meanwhile, Apple Inc. which holds the heaviest weight on the S&P 500 was recently caught in the US-China tug-of-war where there were reports of China banning the usage of iPhones at work for the government employees. Its stock price has since retraced by more than 10% and putting some drag on the S&P 500 lately.
Singapore REITs started the year stronger but lost its ground after that. As we head into the last quarter of 2023, how can we seek investing opportunities amid a downward trending S-REITs market?
Last Thursday, we held a live Zoom sharing to do a quick market update and shared our views on the above events. If you missed the webinar, catch the replay video below!
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