The content created by The Joyful Investors, including articles, videos, research work, course materials and all other materials is for the sole purpose of learning and does not constitute a trading or investment recommendation and financial advice. We do not guarantee the timeliness or accuracy of the information presented by The Joyful Investors.
The Joyful Investors does not guarantee any performance and shall not be held liable for any of your trading and/or investment decisions if you use the information and course materials created by The Joyful Investors to trade and/or invest. You are responsible for your trading and/or investment decisions and should seek to perform your own due diligence at all times.
The Joyful Investors does not provide warranties, whether expressed or implied, as to the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of any content, course materials and information presented on the website.
Past performance of any investment and/or trading methodology and framework is not necessarily indicative of its future performance. Your investment results could be influenced by factors not within our control, such as changes in the stock market conditions or the economy.
Trading and investing involve risks and it is possible to lose all or more than the initial investment. You should seek professional financial advice when necessary and in doubt.